Saturday, May 24, 2008

Here's how my bamboo turned out!

I had a really tough time capturing on camera the color of the bamboo I dyed last weekend with the girls - the fiery red one literally looked like it was on fire in my photographs!! So I photo'd that one indoors with the flash off....doesn't do the color justice at all but you can get a little glimpse! The red with black turned out well, although more fuscia-like than I expected. My favorite is the fiery red one, which was red with some yellow drizzled over the roving, and then some charcoal that Carissa had mixed up, which I hand-painted on here and there. The parts where the red met the charcoal turned this cool muted yellow-green color. This is going to be so fun to spin up!


folktale fibers said...

Yum! The stuff with the yellow-green bits is scrumptious! They turned out amazing - MUCH better than my first handdyed bamboo ;)

molly miller by appointment said...

Well, I had an incredibly talented teacher, so I'll chalk the results up to her! :)