Friday, April 25, 2008

super coils!

I've been working on my plying skills lately, and my new fave is doing super-duper coils and beehives in my yarn. I love to knit with super coils, too, and I find it challenging to spin with the thought in mind of knitting what I'm spinning. When I knit with super coils, I just yarn over when I get to a super coily patch, and then on the way back I drop the yarn over and let the coil just sproing out. I love the way it looks, and it's so fun to spin super coils, too! I secure them at the beginning and end of the coil by holding the yarn taut instead of the plying thread - this way the coils don't slide around on the yarn. Yay!


Stefania said...

it's definitely lovely!
I've just started spinning, and never tried this but surely that difficult?

PS: thought that come up wh9ile spinning are the best, only near to yoga ones!

molly miller by appointment said...

Hi Stefania!
Plying doesn't have to be hard - the thing to remember is to overspin your single a bit so when you spin it back the other way against the plying thread it doesn't unwind too much of the twist in the single. There are lots of resources on this on the Internet, so try googling "plying" and see if there are some good instructions for you to follow. Pluckyfluff's new book, Intertwined, also has some great plying illustrations that I often look at to guide my plying, so I recommend that as well!